Starving is one of the first problems you’ll face when you arrive in the world of Medieval Dynasty for the first time.

While you have some food in your inventory, it’ll quickly run out after performing some strenuous activities.

To ensure you survive, you need to know how to get meat in Medieval Dynasty and fast.

We’ll examine two methods of how to get meat in Medieval Dynasty on your first day.

1. Passive Method to Get Meat in Medieval Dynasty

The key to get a good amount of meat in Medieval Dynasty is to set up a passive method of obtaining meat as soon as possible.

By getting meat passively, you can do other things without worrying about food.

To get meat passively in Medieval Dynasty, you’ll need to make a trap.

After you speak to the castellan in Gostovia, there are a few tools and technologies that immediately unlock.

One of those technologies is the rabbit trap.

To make the rabbit trap, you’ll need:

  • 10 Sticks

Once you have your 10 sticks, you can use your Building Menu (Q key on the PC) to access the blueprint.

To get to the blueprint, you’ll need to press “Q,” then navigate to and click on “Furniture & Decorations,” then “Traps,” and finally “Rabbit Trap.”

Insert the 10 sticks, and you have yourself a rabbit trap.

It can take time for the rabbit trap to catch rabbits.

You’ll also need to be out of render distance for the rabbit to spawn into the trap.

As such, it’s a good idea to set the trap down, then proceed with the Active Method of getting meat in Medieval Dynasty.

The pros of using the passive method to get meat in Medieval Dynasty is as follows:

  • Quick and easy to set up
  • Gathers meat as you do other things

The cons of using the passive method to get meat in Medieval Dynasty is as follows:

  • Only get one rabbit in the trap at a time
  • Slower method of collecting meat
  • Trap durability

Clearly, the passive method of getting meat is helpful in the early stages of the game since you can add it on top of what you hunt.

However, the trap does have a durability.

You can get three rabbits in the trap before it breaks.

Then you’ll need to make another one with 10 more sticks.

After setting up your trap, it’s a good idea to start with the second method of getting meat in Medieval Dynasty.

2. The Active Method of Getting Meat in Medieval Dynasty

After you have a passive method set up, you can start a more active way of getting food in Medieval Dynasty.

You’re going to hunt.

The bow isn’t unlocked immediately after you speak to the castellan.

You need to unlock the Hunter’s Cabin first.

To get around that, you’ll want to hunt with a stone ax.

To make a stone ax, you’ll need the following resources:

  • 10 Sticks
  • 2 Stones

To craft the ax, you’re going to go back into your building menu.

Hit the “Q” key and go to “Handcrafting.”

Click on the stone ax to craft it.

The stone ax isn’t enough to get meat from the animals that you kill.

You’ll also need a stone knife to harvest your kills.

To make a stone knife, you’ll need the following resources:

  • 5 Sticks
  • 2 Stones

You’ll craft the stone knife the same way that you crafted the stone ax.

Now that you have your tools, you’re ready to hunt.

Because some of the larger–and even smaller–animals can kill you in the game, it’s a good idea to start off small.

You’re going to want to hunt rabbits.

You can certainly try to go after bigger game, but they do bite back.

Find an area that has rabbits, then chase after them.

By angling your ax in the center of their bodies and slightly ahead of them, you can kill them with one blow.

Then use your stone knife to harvest the body.

You’ll get anywhere from one to three pieces of meat, usually.

You’ll also get some fur which is valuable.

The pros of using the active method to get food in Medieval Dynasty is as follows:

  • Can get a lot more meat
  • Can potentially gather that meat quickly

There are some cons, too.

Here are some negatives of using the active method to get food in Medieval Dynasty:

  • Can sometimes take a while
  • Spending your time doing nothing else

Clearly, if you get good at using the ax, you can get a good amount of meat in a short amount of time.

However, if you’re struggling to kill or even find rabbits, then it may take up a good portion of your day.

You won’t have the time to do anything else in your game.

As such, if you want to get a good amount of meat in Medieval Dynasty to keep yourself fed, then you’ll want to use both methods.

Trapping and hunting are both great ways to get food in Medieval Dynasty.

Once you unlock the Hunter’s Cabin and find a hunter to join you, worrying about meat will be a thing of the past.


The best way to get meat or food in Medieval Dynasty when you first start out is to set up a trap, then go hunting.

Once you have enough meat to keep yourself fed, you can start focusing on building your Hunter’s Cabin.

If you have any other tips on how to get a good amount of food on your first day in Medieval Dynasty, then let us know in the comments!

You can also watch a video on how to make the trap and hunt if you prefer visuals!

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