One of the first resources you’ll need to find in Medieval Dynasty is straw.

The problem with straw is that it isn’t immediately clear where you can get your hands on it.

In this guide, we’ll show you three ways you can find straw in Medieval Dynasty.

1. Reeds By The River

One of the first, and easiest, ways to get your hands on straw in Medieval Dynasty is by looking along the large river.

Reeds grow in certain parts alongside the river.

You can find some growing right outside of the starting town, Gostovia.

It’s not a bad idea to grab a few handfuls on your way out to find a spot to build to your village.

While it may have the name reeds, it’s actually straw.

You’ll receive one unit of straw for each reed you pull from the river.

Since you’ll need a lot of straw when starting out, it’s not a bad idea to build your village near a reed deposit.

The reeds grow back after a few seasons have passed, so you don’t have to worry about completely eliminating them either.

Finding reeds by the river is one of the best ways to find straw early in the game.

2. Processing Grains

After you manage to get a farm going, one of the first crops you should plant is some sort of grain.

When you process the grain, you’re able to get straw out of it as a by-product.

The following crops give you straw when you process them in the barn:

  • Flax
  • Oat
  • Rye
  • Wheat

The more grains you have, the more straw you receive through processing it.

For example, if you have 100 units of wheat to process, then you’re going to receive a lot of straw from it.

This is a great way to essentially build up your stocks of straw for free.

Pretty soon, you’ll have more straw than you know what to do with.

Once you have your farm established, you can grow grains and flax to make straw.

3. Buy Straw

A final way to get straw in Medieval Dynasty is to buy it.

Not every vendor sells straw, however, so you’ll have to be careful to visit the right village.

Gostovia has a vendor who sells straw, so if you’re building around there, then you have a vendor who can help.

The vendor, in particular, works in a barn.

There are a few others who might sell straw, too.

The straw is incredibly cheap at 0.3 coin per unit of straw.

As such, if you don’t have your farm ready but have some coin, then you can always buy it.

If you have the coin, then you can always buy straw in Medieval Dynasty.

What Do You Need Straw For in Medieval Dynasty?

Straw is one of the first resources you’ll need to collect in Medieval Dynasty.

It’s used to make the thatch, or straw, roofs of all the beginning buildings.

That includes your first home.

You can’t complete your home, or any building, without finding straw for its roof.

As such, it’s a rather important resource to have on hand.

It’s also used to make torches.

Having a torch is useful in the winter since it can help you stay warm.

If you don’t have any, or enough, of winter clothes to warm your character, then you’re going to find being outside quite difficult.

A torch can keep you from freezing to death.

To make a torch, you’ll need straw.

Finally, straw is also an ingredient used to make animal feed.

You’ll need a good amount of straw to make animal feed, so it’s always a good idea to have a ready supply at hand.

Without animal feed, your animals won’t produce any goods for you to sell.

Clearly, straw has quite a few important uses.


Straw is a resource you’ll find yourself needing pretty early in Medieval Dynasty.

You can find it by the river, through processing certain crops, and by buying it from the right vendor.

If you know of any other ways of acquiring straw, then be sure to let us know in the comments!

Additionally, you can watch a video where we cover the different ways to get straw in Medieval Dynasty in visual format.

One response to “How To Get Straw in Medieval Dynasty”

  1. […] have a blog on how to find straw, but one of the best ways to quickly acquire it is by searching along the large […]


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