Making money is an important part of Medieval Dynasty.

You need it to pay your annual taxes to the King, but you also need money to buy schemes.

Since schemes unlock recipes that you can then produce and earn more coin, it’s important to start earning money as soon as possible.

That said, earning money when you first start out in Medieval Dynasty isn’t easy.

To help you out, here are three ways you can earn some money when you first start out in Medieval Dynasty.

1. Collect Herbs

One of the easiest ways to earn some coin is to collect herbs.

Herbs all over the place in Medieval Dynasty.

As long as it isn’t winter, you can run around the forest and collect the various herbs and mushrooms to your heart’s content.

Herbs, themselves, aren’t that expensive.

As such, you can’t expect to earn a lot of coin using this method.

Rather, it’s a good way to add a bit more coin to your pocket while you’re doing something else.

It’s also worth looking to see which herbs fetch the highest price per season.

For example, in summer, Deadly Nightshade will earn you around 0.3 coin as opposed to others which offer 0.1 or 0.2 coins.

You won’t get rich, but collecting herbs can help you earn a bit more than you would have otherwise.

It’s also extremely easy.

2. Make Products

When your first starting out in Medieval Dynasty, you’re rather limited to the type of products you can craft.

However, there is something you can make with ease that can help fill your pockets with coin.

By going into your Handcrafting menu, you can find an array of tools that you can craft.

You’ll find that the stone knife and the stone axe offer the most coin at 50 coin each.

Since traders tend to originally offer you half that amount, you can expect to earn 25 coin per item that you craft.

As such, if you were to craft a bunch of stone axes or a bunch of stone knives and sell them, then you could end up making a bit of money.

When it comes to crafting, you’ll want to opt for the stone knife over the stone axe.

It uses fewer resources but still sells for the same amount.

If you crafted four stone knives a day, then you could earn around 100 coin each day.

That’s not bad for starting out!

3. Go Exploring

The final way to earn money early in Medieval Dynasty is to go out and explore.

All along the various roads and paths in Medieval Dynasty, you can find overturned carts and abandoned camps.

These areas can provide you with great tools, sacks of coin, and other products.

While you might want to keep some of the tools for yourself, it’s certainly worth selling any extras.

You can also find items like potions, brews, and even wool.

Those fetch for pretty high prices.

The spawn points also randomly change each season, so you’re always able to head out and look for more.

Exploring the area can be a lot of fun, and it can also help you put some more coin in your pocket.


Making money early in Medieval Dynasty isn’t always easy.

Because of how important money is in the early parts of the game, it’s important to know how to earn some quickly.

The three methods above can help you put some coin in your pocket and allow you to unlock new schemes and find even more ways to make money.

If you have any other tips, be sure to leave them in the comments, and if you prefer to watch our helpful guides, then watch the video below!

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