One of the most vital parts of Medieval Dynasty is finding and marrying a partner, so you can have an heir.

As the game’s title might suggest, the point of the game is to create a successful and lasting dynasty.

Before you can start your dynasty, however, you need to find a woman willing to become your wife!

In this guide, we’ll cover where to find the eligible bachelorettes and how to woo them into becoming your wife.

1. Travel to a Town

The first step to finding a wife is to find the bachelorettes.

To do that, you can travel to any town.

You’ll want to specifically look for the ladies that have the person symbol next to their names.

These are the ladies who are recruitable to your village and thus eligible for marriage.

Medieval Dynasty also doesn’t let you marry women who are far younger or far older than yourself.

As such, it’s a good idea to find a lady before your character becomes too old to find a nice lady his age.

Once you’ve found an eligible bachelorette, it’s worth seeing what her skills are.

After all, your wife should have a job in your village as well.

It helps to find a woman who will be an ideal match for you, but who can also pull her weight in your village.

2. Flirt Up A Storm

The next trick is to woo her.

This might be the most difficult part of obtaining a wife in the game.

Each lady has a random chance of having a certain personality.

Some women might be stylish, others might be practical, and some might be passionate.

To find out what personality type your girl has, you can speak to them.

Their answers give a hint as to the kind of person they are.

You can also unlock the “Empathy” skill under the Diplomatic tree to unlock the ability to see personality traits.

Knowing the lady’s personality is important as it will help you choose topics that they have an interest in talking about.

If you say the wrong or ask them the wrong question, then they might even dislike what you’re saying and take away from their affection percentage.

When you do successfully flirt, however, you can get a range of affection percentages depending on how much they enjoyed the topic.

If they really enjoyed it, then you might even score a +10% affectionate percentage.

You can also increase how much affection you receive by putting points into the “Romeo” skill under the Diplomacy skill tree.

The goal is to flirt your girl to 100% affection.

3. Buy Her Gifts

While flirting can help earn affection from your sweetheart, another way to earn her affection is by giving her gifts.

This is where knowing her personality also helps.

Each gift that you can buy has a personality type associated with it.

Some personalities will like certain gifts more than others.

You can see which type of personality prefers each gift by looking at the gift’s description.

You can buy gifts from the Exotic Vendor.

They’re a special traveling merchant that travels between each town with each season.

You can never be sure too where they’re going to end up next.

The good thing is you can always ask one of your villagers or someone in town about their location.

The gifts can be quite expensive, however, so if you’re broke, then you may want to rely on just flirting to win your beloved’s heart.

4. Marriage

Once your sweetheart has finally reached 100% affection, it’s time to get married!

To do so, you’ll need to buy a wedding ring from the Exotic Goods vendor.

Once you have the ring, you can present it to your beloved and ask them to marry you.

As long as their affection hasn’t changed, they should say yes.

You’ll have a cute, little, cutscene to watch, then your wife will be with you at the village.

From there, you’ll need to monitor her affection level.

If the level becomes too low, then you’ll need to give her some gifts to keep her happy.

She also has special quests that she gives which can also impact her affectionate level.

With your wife, you can finally produce an heir and start your dynasty.

3 Benefits of Having a Wife in Medieval Dynasty

Now, you may wonder why you want to go through all that bother just to get a wife in Medieval Dynasty.

Wives are more than just another NPC.

They actually provide you with a few benefits.

1. Heir

Perhaps one of the most important benefits that your wife offers is the ability to have an heir.

If you plan on playing Medieval Dynasty long-term, then you’re going to need an heir.

It’s also helpful in the event that you die from a bear attack or from bandits.

Your heir essentially becomes the new character that you play.

They also start off with some bonus points in their skills based on your skill level, your wife’s skill level, and the different quests you complete with them.

Having an heir is important in the game, and your wife helps you obtain one.

2. Health

You might find yourself low on health at some point.

You may have forgotten to eat food, ran afoul of some bandits, or had a boar charge at you.

Whatever the reason, you might be a bit low on health.

If you speak to your wife, then there’s a chance that she’ll give you something to help you heal your wounds.

She essentially takes care of you and patches you back up a bit.

This is a great benefit if you’re a hunter or plan on raiding some bandit camps.

Your wife can help you stay in the game.

3. Food

A final benefit that a wife can provide you in the game is food.

If your character hasn’t eaten anything and you speak to your wife, then she can give you a little bit of food.

It’s sometimes random what she has to offer, but she essentially can grab it for you and feed you.

That’s great if you’re running low on food and happen to be close to your wife.

It might save you a bit of time and effort by having to get some food yourself.


Obtaining a wife in Medieval Dynasty isn’t always easy.

However, this guide can help you finally capture your sweetheart’s heart.

Once you have her heart, you’ll need to keep her happy to ensure you’re able to enjoy all the benefits that she provides.

If you have any questions about marrying a woman in Medieval Dynasty, then be sure to ask us in the comments!

Otherwise, be sure to watch the adjoining video if you want a visual guide on how to find a wife in Medieval Dynasty!

One response to “How To Find a Wife in Medieval Dynasty”

  1. […] have a helpful guide on how to find a wife if you haven’t gotten hitched in the game […]


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