New players will quickly discover that one of the hardest seasons to survive is winter in Medieval Dynasty.

The freezing temperatures can quickly make your character freeze to death.

To help you survive the frigid winter season, we have a few tips to offer.

1. Make Torches

A torch is going to be your best friend in the winter.

While an improved torch lasts longer than a simple torch, you may not have the scheme unlocked by the time winter hits.

As such, in order to survive your first winter, you’re going to want to know how to craft a simple torch.

To craft a simple torch, you’ll need the following resources:

  • 1 Stick
  • 10 Straw

We have a blog on how to find straw, but one of the best ways to quickly acquire it is by searching along the large river.

Craft a few torches since they’ll burn out throughout the day.

You’ll also only want to use it to keep yourself warm, then put it away to try and conserve it.

A torch will warm your character if you’re freezing.

As such, it’s not a bad idea to stock up on a few torches to ensure you stay warm.

2. Buy Fur Clothes

If you have some coin in your pocket or have the sewing hut unlocked, then you’ll want to get your hands on some fur clothes.

To ensure you survive in winter, one of the best things you can do is spend some money on fur clothing.

In particular, you’ll want to look into buying fur boots.

They provide a +35% bonus to cold protection.

For some character builds, that protection alone is enough to keep you warm without any concerns.

It’s a great investment since you only need to buy the boots.

In other cases, you might need to buy the boots and some gloves to keep warm in winter.

Fur clothing can be pretty pricey, so it’s something you’ll want to save up for during the seasons before winter.

If you have a sewing hut, then it’s also worth saving money to unlock the schemes.

Then your hunters can simply acquire the fur for you, and you can make your own fur clothing.

Fur clothing is one of the best ways to keep yourself warm.

You won’t have to worry about walking around in winter again.

3. Skills

A final way to prepare for your first winter is to unlock a certain skill.

The particular skill you want to put some points into is Insensitive.

You’ll find it under the Survival Skill Tree.

The first tier gives you 2 degree tolerance for weather, the second tier gives you 4 degree tolerance, and the final tier gives you 6 degree tolerance.

It essentially expands your ability to tolerate cold and hot temperatures.

You can essentially walk around with just fur boots on and be perfectly fine in the winter.

If you don’t have any points to spend, then a quick way to earn some points in Survival is to pick up sticks, rocks, and herbs from the ground.

You’ll want to reach tier three of the skill, if you can, by your first winter to take advantage of it.

Extra Tips on How To Survive Your First Winter in Medieval Dynasty

While the tips above can ensure you survive your first winter, there are a few other tips that can help ensure you THRIVE during winter.

First, you’ll want to stay out of the water.

Walking around in the water can drop your temperature even if you’re wearing fur boots or have a high tolerance.

It’s worth making a washing bin, if you can, so you don’t have to wade around the water to clean yourself.

Secondly, if you want to extend the life of your torch or don’t have a torch to make, then you can run into the various buildings that you have in your village.

The buildings provide some insulation in the cold, so you can potentially keep from freezing by hiding around inside one.

It can impact your productivity, but darting in and out of buildings can be a way to keep yourself alive in winter while still walking around and doing tasks.

Finally, you can also further insulate your buildings.

You’ll need to either use daub or limestone to make them better protected against the cold temperatures.

Insulating homes also reduces the amount of firewood that your villagers use.


Surviving your first winter in Medieval Dynasty can be hard.

Without a little bit of preparation beforehand, the winter can really surprise you.

Follow the tips above to help you survive your first winter.

As always, if you have other tips, then be sure to let us know in the comments.

If you prefer a visual explanation, then be sure to check out the video below!

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