The rifle is a great long-distance weapon with powerful damage.

In order to get your hands on it, however, you’re going to need to survive the Cultist’s Cave.

In this survival guide, we’ll show you how to safely get your hands on the rifle in Sons of the Forest.

Image provided by Survival Game Guide

The Cultist’s Cave has two entrances.

One is on the western side of the mountains while the other is on the eastern side of the mountains just off a big lake.

Take the eastern entrance.

GPS location of the cave on the eastern side.
Image provided by Survival Game Guide

You’ll find the cave entrance on the western side of the large lake.

Cultist's Cave location close up.
Image provided by Survival Game Guide

When you’re ready, pass through the cave’s entrance to enter.

The cave is one of the largest in the game.

It’s also full of mutants just ready to rip you limb from limb.

To survive, you have two methods.

You can fight your way through or run through the cave.

It is possible to run through the cave without engaging any enemies.

Those who want to fight will need to stock up on a lot of ammo, food, beverages, and medicine.

Part of the cave is also submerged, so you’re going to need the rebreather to make it through.

If you plan on exploring the rest of the cave, then it’s also a good idea to bring a tarp with you, so you can make a tent to save and sleep.

Finally, it’s worth having either the flashlight or the night vision goggles to make seeing the rifle easier.

Unless you know its exact location, it’s easy to miss.

With your items ready, it’s time to head inside.

Once you enter the cave, you’re in a safe area.

Keep the cave wall on your right close as you navigate through the area.

It will lead you directly to the rifle.

As you progress to the back of the first area, you’ll find some crates.

Break them open to collect some supplies.

As you move deeper in, you’ll see a ramp declining downwards.

Once you reach the bottom, you’ll find yourself in a room full of Puffies, including a Blue Puffy.

Fight them or run right past by keeping the cave on your right side.

Eventually, you’ll come to some water.

Dive down and swim through the tunnel until you surface once more.

This is the area where you’ll find the rifle.

Keep the cave wall to your right and keep following it around.

You’ll eventually see some lights.

In particular, you’re looking for a skull torch embedded in a wall.

The rifle is in the hands of a soldier just beyond this skull.

A body slumped against the wall by a skull torch.
Image provided by Survival Game Guide

The body slumped against the wall is holding the rifle.

Grab it, then either proceed through the rest of the cave to explore more or just turn around back where you came to exit the cave.

You now have a great long-distance weapon.

The rifle can be a powerful weapon in Sons of the Forest.

Follow the walkthrough below to see how to get the rifle visually.

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