Generating power in Sons of the Forest only required some wires, a solar panel, and a lightbulb.

However, with a recent update, you’re now required to have an additional item if you want to power your base through the night.

In this survival guide, we’ll show you the new way of generating electricity in Sons of the Forest.

Image provided by Survival Game Guide

In order to power your base, you’re going to need a battery.

While the solar panel can power your base during the day, it loses its power when the sun sets.

To keep it powered through the night, you’ll need a battery and attach it to the solar panel.

It’s also worth mentioning that batteries can only power so many devices at one time.

If you have a large fence, or many lightbulbs, for example, then you may need a few batteries to power them all.

The battery charges during the day, and at night, it powers your base.

It also doesn’t matter if it rains.

As long as it’s day, the battery will charge itself.

Batteries can be found in the back of golf carts or in some maintenance bunkers.

If you know of a defunct golf cart location, then you should be able to find a battery in it.

One battery location in Sons of the Forest is by the 3D printer room in the middle of the map.

Battery sitting in the back of a golf cart.
Image provided by Survival Game Guide

You’ll know it by the green dot on the GPS.

Maintenance bunkers are also relatively easy to find.

You’ll need the shovel, however, to unbury the hatch door.

Not every bunker will have a battery, so you may need to go through a few to find one.

Once you have the battery, you’re going to need to connect it to a solar panel.

Solar panels no longer need a ramp for them to attach to.

You can put them on the ground, for example.

Once you set the solar panel down, you should see a white outline where you can put the battery.

Battery slot on a solar panel where the battery attaches.
Image provided by Survival Game Guide

Grab the battery from your inventory and equip it.

Then left-click to put the battery where the outline is.

It will attach to the solar panel and start charging if it’s daylight.

From there, you can attach a wire to whatever device, structure, or item you need powered.

Powering your base in Sons of the Forest comes with a few changes.

So, find your battery and re-do your power grid before the cannibals take advantage!

For a visual walkthrough of setting up a new power system, watch the video below!

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