Since villager production relies on their skill level, it’s important to find villagers with high skills.

There are three methods you can use to quickly identify and ensure your villagers have high skills in their professions.

In this survival guide, we’ll show you three methods on finding villagers with high skills in Medieval Dynasty.

Image provided by Survival Game Guide

When you’re on the hunt for villagers with high skills, you don’t have time to talk to each one.

A much more efficient method is to use Inspector Mode.

Inspector Mode uses stamina to highlight the world around you.

It shows you tons of information like the state of your fields, highlights rocks and sticks on the ground, and also shows you the skill levels that the villagers have above their heads.

You don’t even need to talk to them, although it’s worth doing so anyway to ensure they enjoy performing the work that you need them for.

Inspector mode showing the skill levels of the NPC.
Image provided by Survival Game Guide

Now, Inspector Mode does use stamina, so you can’t have it down all the time.

To activate Inspector Mode on the PC, you’re going to need to hold down the ALT button.

This mode is useful because it allows you to quickly scan the prospective villagers in other villages that you can hire.

You can quickly compare two villagers that might have the same profession, but one might have a three in the skill while the other might have a two.

Inspector Mode allows you to quickly view villagers and find those with high skills.

Now and then you’ll get the chance to complete a special NPC quest.

These are expert NPCs who start off with a level six skill in their preferred profession.

Roland, the special NPC fisherman, who has a high skill in survival.
Image provided by Survival Game Guide

Bringing this particular NPC to your village gives you a huge boost in productivity.

It also means that any child they have will also have a higher skill than others with just normal parents.

NPC quests like this are rare, and there are only a few of them in the game.

You can pick them up by speaking with your wife or other villagers.

Even your son may get pulled into giving you a quest.

Be sure to finish the quest before time runs out or else risk losing the chance to invite them to your village.

The final method to have villagers with high skills is to breed them.

When you assign a man and woman into the same home, they’re going to have children at some point.

Their children inherit their skill levels.

With some careful planning, you can have children with boosted, high, skills because of their parents.

You can also ensure the child has a wide breadth of skills that they can then pass onto their own children some day.

Menu showing a family and their two children.
Image provided by Survival Game Guide

To ensure this happens, you’ll want to assign a man and woman who have different professions together.

So, as an example, you might want to assign a farmer and a merchant.

By carefully planning who has children with whom, you can have children with higher skills than they might originally.

Villagers with high skills will produce more than villagers with low skills.

Using these methods above can help you quickly find and produce villagers with high skills.

To see Inspector Mode in action, be sure to watch the video below!

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