The pickaxe cave has a number of goodies lurking within it, so you’re going to need to wind through the maze-like cave to find them all.

Besides the pickaxe, you’ll discover a recipe to build the furnace as well as a mysterious artifact.

In this survival guide, we’ll lead you through the pickaxe cave in Sons of the Forest to ensure you grab every item.

For a visual walkthrough of the cave, be sure to watch the video below!

If you want the pickaxe, then you’re going to have go spelunking into a cave for it.

The cave in question is on the eastern side of the map on the east side of the mountains.

GPS showing zoomed out location of pickaxe cave.
Image provided by Survival Game Guide

The entrance is near a small pond, and it isn’t easy to find since the actual entrance is a hole you need to climb down into via a rope.

GPS zoomed-in version of the pickaxe location.
Image provided by Survival Game Guide

You don’t need to bring a rope in order to descend into the cave.

There’s already one there and waiting for you.

Simply go to the hole, wait for the icon to appear, and then climb down into the pickaxe cave.

Before you descend, you’re going to need one major item in order to proceed through the cave.

There are parts of the cave that are underwater.

As such, if you want to get through without drowning, you’re going to need the rebreather.

There are a few oxygen tanks you can find in the cave if you’re running low.

It’s also not a bad idea to grab the wet suit if you don’t have it already.

It can make swimming through the underwater cave a bit faster.

Besides that, you don’t need anything else.

There aren’t any enemies in this cave, so you can enjoy it at a leisurely stroll.

One of the first items you’re going to want to go for is the furnace recipe in Sons of the Forest.

It’s easy to miss, so make sure you have a flashlight out.

After descending the rope and entering the cave, you’re going to follow the water down deeper into the cave.

There’s a small path on the right side that you can take down, so you don’t injure yourself by falling too far.

At the bottom, you’ll need to go underwater and through some flooded caves.

Follow the tunnel until you surface.

Jump over some rocks when you emerge, and you’ll find yourself in a cavern with an area that’s boarded up.

If you proceed further, then you’ll also see an area with a slide that goes downwards.

Ignore the slide for now.

Head to the boarded wall and destroy the boards.

Board wall covering up the area to get to the furnace recipe.
Image provided by Survival Game Guide

Once you chop down the boards, enter the new cavern.

You’ll see a piece of paper laying next to a dead body a few steps inside.

Pick up the piece of paper, and you’ll receive the recipe that lets you build the furnace.

Furnace recipe laying next to a skeleton.
Image provided by Survival Game Guide

Once you pick it up, the recipe will become added to your blueprints, so you can craft it later.

You now have the furnace unlocked which enables you to smelt ore.

Before you head to the slide, stay within the cavern where you found the furnace recipe.

If you keep walking deeper into it, you’ll see a rope that descends deeper into the cave.

Take this rope down to head to the mysterious artifact.

The tunnel here is pretty straightforward, so keep following it until you reach a bunch of wooden crosses.

Push past them and enter a room filled with hanging skeletons.

Head forward and wind slightly to the left until you find a hole with another rope descending down into it.

Climb down and you’ll enter a small cavern.

Follow the path, and it will take you to the mysterious artifact.

A mysterious artifact.
Image provided by Survival Game Guide

Pick up the artifact, then return all the way back to the spot where you broke the boards.

Once you make it back to the cavern with the slide, you’re on your way to the pickaxe.

Head to the slide and go down.

You’ll end up in water and need to use your rebreather to dive down through a hole.

Follow the path.

When you surface, you’ll see a wooden walkway.

Climb up, pass through the gate, and then head back down into the water on the other side.

When you surface again, you should see three hanging bodies.

There should be a light source behind them.

Head to the light source, and you’ll see the pickaxe lodged in some solafite.

The pickaxe stuck in solafite.
Image provided by Survival Game Guide

At this point, you can take the pickaxe and leave or use it to mine the solafite ore and then leave.

To leave, you’ll need to head to the right of the pickaxe.

Follow the tunnels and path and climb up the ropes.

Eventually, you’ll reach the exit of the cave.

You now have a new pickaxe that will let you mine solafite.

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