Once your fields start getting big, you may find yourself without enough fertilizer to take care of them.

Animal husbandry make take a while, or you may not have enough pigs yet to produce enough fertilizer for you.

In this survival guide, we’ll show you a quick way to make fertilizer fast to ensure you can fertilize your fields in Medieval Dynasty.

Want to see how to make fertilizer fast in Medieval Dynasty visually? Then check out the video below!

You’re only going to need a simple compost bin to make a ton of fertilizer in a short amount of time.

Having more compost bins also unlocks the ability to produce even more fertilizer.

The compost bin is something you can make shortly after starting the game.

It’s a great way to get a lot of fertilizer without having to invest in pigs.

You can think of it as an early-game method to making fertilizer quickly.

To build the compost bin, you’re going to need 8 logs to build the compost bin.

Image provided by Survival Game Guide

You’ll find the blueprint in the Build Menu and by navigating to the Furniture option, then the Workstation option.

From there, you’ll need to select the Farming workstations, where you’ll find the compost bin option.

Once you hammer in 8 logs, your compost bin will be ready for use.

Now that you have the compost bin, you might be wondering what you should put in it.

After all, not every item is going to get you the most rot.

Here’s a list of food items and how much rot they produce each season:

  • 1 Berry = 1 Rot
  • 1 Carrot = 2 Rot
  • 1 Meat/Fish Meat = 3 Rot
  • 1 Cabbage = 4 Rot

Clearly, cabbage is the best item to put into the compost bin.

Compost bin menu showing how many cabbage can fit into the bin.
Image provided by Survival Game Guide

It takes 10 rot to make 1 unit of fertilizer.

As such, using items that will produce the most rot means you’re going to get the highest yield of fertilizer.

It’s also easy to get a lot of cabbage with one medium-sized field.

If you’re like me, then you’ll end up with more cabbage than room in your compost bins.

Make a few, put in cabbage, and then wait for the next season for it to turn into rot.

Before you know it, you’re going to have more fertilizer than you know what to do with.

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