Dynasty reputation is a mechanic in Medieval Dynasty that’s easy to forget.

We only worry about it when we have need of it or when we end up losing it, but losing it could prove to be detrimental to your playthrough.

In this survival guide, we’ll explain how to increase your Dynasty Reputation in Medieval Dynasty, and why it matters.

Dynasty reputation score. Image Credit: Will Butterworth

Increasing Dynasty Reputation in Medieval Dynasty requires you to complete quests.

Both Main Quests and Side-Quests can reward you with Dynasty Reputation.

Removing bandit hideouts can also sometimes earn you Dynasty Reputation points.

The easiest way, however, is to complete side quests.

There are several side quests that you can pick up from villagers scattered throughout the map.

Sometimes even your own villagers will have a side quest for you.

If you’re playing on Oxbow, I personally prefer going to Piastovia.

It has a handy notice board with a wide selection of side quests on it.

Some are easy and earn around 50 Dynasty Reputation points upon completion.

Others require a bit more work, but they also give you more Dynasty Reputation.

Just make sure to complete the quests, because if you fail to complete them before they’re due, then you can actually lose Dynasty Reputation points.

Well, your taxes will become a bit more expensive for starters.

You also won’t be able to recruit anymore villagers.

Even worse, if you somehow end up with -10,000 Dynasty Reputation, you’re exiled from the map.

You lose the game.

So, how do you lose Dynasty Reputation points?

The first is by failing to complete a quest.

You’ll lose a certain number of points, so if you have a lot of quests and fail to complete them all, then you could lose a good number of Dynasty points in one go.

Stealing is another way to lose points.

Or, rather, getting caught stealing can make you lose points.

So, if you want to be a thief in the game, make sure you’re extra sneaky and check that no one is around to catch you.

Dynasty Reputation impacts two main mechanics in Medieval Dynasty; Taxes and your ability to invite villagers to your village.

Taxes are based on the size of your fields and the number of your buildings.

Your relationship with the King also influences your taxes.

The better your relationship with the King, the lower your taxes.

How do you improve your relationship with the King?

You complete his Herald Challenges and improve your Dynasty Reputation.

The better your reputation is with the King, the more he’ll cut you some slack when paying taxes.

So, if the Herald shows up, be sure you can actually complete the challenge, then take it and finish it to make the King happy.

You’ll also need Dynasty Reputation to invite villagers.

It seems as though the developers have made it a bit more important with the release of the Oxbow map.

You need roughly 100 Dynasty Points for each villager you want to invite.

So, you’ll need to do some quests to earn enough of a reputation to invite more villagers to your new village.

Head to your nearest town and help out to start improving your reputation in the valley!

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