Attributes are easy to miss or ignore when playing Enshrouded.

Understanding attributes, however, can ensure you’re building your character in a way that complements how you play.

In this survival guide, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about attributes in Enshrouded.

What Are Attributes in Enshrouded?

Attributes menu in Enshrouded
Different attributes in Enshrouded. Image Credit: Will Butterworth

There are six attributes in Enshrouded.

They include:

  • Constitution
  • Spirit
  • Endurance
  • Strength
  • Dexterity
  • Intelligence

Anyone who has played D&D before or some type of tabletop RPG may be familiar with some of these attributes.

They’re your stats, and they determine how healthy you are, how long you can fight, and how hard you hit.

Constitution maximizes your health.

Each time you level it up, you earn 50 more health points.

Spirit maximizes your mana.

It allows you to perform more magic within a given amount of time.

When you level Spirit, you earn 20 Mana Points each time.

Endurance has to do with your stamina, and increasing it increases your stamina pool.

Stamina plays a key part in Enshrouded, since you use it to fight, defend, climb, and glide.

Each time you level up your endurance attribute, you get 10 points added to the pool.

Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence work differently than the other attributes.

They impact how much damage you do.

Each offers a 5% increase in damage each time you level up one of the attributes.

But the type of damage it increases depends on the attribute.

Strength determines melee damage.

Dexterity determines ranged damage.

Intelligence determines magic damage.

Focusing on the attributes that your type of playstyle uses the most can ensure you’re building your character in the best way.

How To Improve Your Attributes

Buffs menu in enshrouded
Improving attributes through resting and eating. Image Credit: Will Butterworth

Now that you know what attributes are, you might be wondering how to improve attributes in Enshrouded.

There are three main methods you can use to improve your attributes.

The first is to unlock skills.

skill tree in enshrouded
Skill tree in Enshrouded. Image Credit: Will Butterworth

Enshrouded has an extensive skill tree that branches off into specific attribute strengths.

For example, the blue paths represent players who want to use a magical approach to the game.

It favors Spirit and Intelligence.

That said, you can unlock any node, provided you’re following the path.

This means you can mix and match the different unlocks to build the character you want.

Each skill either unlocks a benefit or the ability to improve one of your attributes.

You can level up your Endurance by one point, for example, if you have enough skill points to do so and have a node available to unlock.

Leveling can take some time in the game, however, so it’s worth looking at other means of buffing your attributes, too.

The second method is to rest.

Resting is more important than you may realize.

It can increase your max stamina and also increases how quickly your stamina regenerates.

The longer you’re rested, the longer you get to hold onto that stamina boost.

To increase the duration of your rest, you need to make the area around you very comfortable.

Resting before a big fight is always helpful.

The final way to improve your attributes in Enshrouded is with food.

There are several different food types in the game, and you can make certain meals to give you specific boosts.

Eating grilled wolf meat, for example, gives you a +2 boost to your Constitution.

That, alone, can give you an additional 100 health.

That said, food buffs only last for a certain amount of time.

You’ll want to plan what food you need to eat to bolster the right attribute that you want to focus on.

By unlocking skills, resting, and eating food, you can permanently and temporarily boost your attributes.

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