The mill is a vital structure in food production.

Even if you have a mill, you may not have it running as efficiently as you could.

In this survival guide, we’ll show you how to make the mill in Palworld and offer some tips on improving its efficiency.

The Quick Menu

Take a look at everything you need to know about the mill in Palworld.

Level Unlock:15
Tech Points:2
Crafting Resources:50 Wood
40 Stone
Utility:Turns wheat into flour

How To Unlock the Mill in Palworld

Technology UI with the mill in palworld
Unlocking the mill. Image Credit: Will Butterworth

You’ll need to reach level 15 if you want to unlock the mill.

It will also take 5 technology points to unlock it.

The mill is a required structure if you want to level up your base.

How To Build the Mill

Crafting UI for the mill in palworld
Building the mill. Image Credit: Will Butterworth

The mill is a relatively inexpensive building to make.

You’ll need the following resources to make the mill:

  • 50 Wood
  • 40 Stone

By this point, you should have a lumber mill and stone pit going, so you should have plenty of resources available to make the mill.

Keep in mind that it will also take 80 seconds to build, so you may want to have a few Pals available to help you build it.

What Does the Mill Produce in Palworld

The mill making wheat into flour in palworld
Making flour in the mill. Image Credit: Will Butterworth

The mill’s primary production is making wheat into flour.

It takes three wheat to make one flour.

Flour can then be used to make new cooking recipes in the cooking pot.

Since better food can make Pals more productive, the mill and flour are important to have running efficiently and keep in stock.

To power the mill, you need a Water-Based Pal.

Any Water-Based Pal will do, but the higher their Watering Level is, the faster they’ll be at their job.

How To Make the Mill More Efficient in Palworld

Technology UI showing the water fountain in palworld
The water fountain. Image Credit: Will Butterworth

There are three methods you can use to make the mill more efficient in Palworld.

The first is to use better Pals.

A Level 1 Pal in Watering can get you started, but you’ll want to upgrade it as soon as you can.

Level 4 Water-Based Pals are obviously the best, but even Level 3 Pals can do a pretty decent job.

The goal is to get beyond Level 1 and 2 Watering.

The second thing you can do to improve the efficiency of your mill is to unlock and build the water fountain.

The water fountain improves the watering efficiency of Pals.

It basically makes your Pal water faster.

The faster they water, the faster the wheat turns to flour.

To unlock and build the water fountain, you need the following:

  • Level Unlock: 23
  • Tech Point Cost: 2
  • 100 Ingots
  • 200 Stone
  • 20 Pal Fluids

The final thing you can do is be mindful of where you place the mill.

By keeping it close to storage and cooking pots, you can decrease the amount of transport that needs to happen.

Pals will perform their jobs faster if they don’t need to travel too far.

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