You won’t be able to progress very far in Nightingale if you don’t improve your gear score.

But the game doesn’t exactly explain how gear score works and what applies to it.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to get gear score 20 in Nightingale.

1. Make Simple Weapons and Tools

a crafting UI for the simple workbench in nightingale
The simple workbench with simple weapon recipes. Image Credit: Will Butterworth

The first step toward improving your Gear Score is by making simple weapons and tools.

These are a step above your makeshift weapons and tools, which means they do more damage and have better durability.

You’ll need to head to the Essence Trader to buy a Simple Workbench, then return to your base and make the workbench.

Access it, and you’ll see all the new Simple weapons and tools you can make.

You should make them all when you can, but for now, make the tools and weapons you use the most.

For myself, I made a simple axe, pickaxe, and slingbow, along with rock marbles to use as ammo.

2. Make Simple Clothing

Crafting UI for the simple sewing bench in nightingale
Simple sewing bench and clothing recipes. Image Credit: Will Butterworth

The other half of improving your Gear Score is with your armor.

In this case, you’ll need to make everything on the list.

You can skip the pack if you want, but it can help you carry more items.

It can take a bit of time making each item since you’ll need a good amount of leather, and thus hide, to make it all.

3. Equip Everything

The part that’s easy to forget is to equip all your new armor.

You’ll also notice that your Gear Score will go up or down depending on what’s equipped in your hands.

To get to 20, you’ll need to wear all the Simple clothing, and then equip a Simple Weapon or Tool of some kind.

Once you see you have Gear Score 20, you’re ready to try your hand at more dangerous challenges.

One response to “How To Get Gear Score 20 in Nightingale”

  1. […] If you don’t have that yet, we have a helpful guide here on how to get to Gear Score 20. […]


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