Spires play an important part of making travel in Enshrouded a bit easier.

The second Spire most players end up traveling to is the Low Meadows.

In this survival guide, we’ll walk you through the Low Meadows Spire tower to unlock it in Enshrouded.

How To Get To The Low Meadows Spire in Enshrouded

A meadow disappearing into a blue fog with a mountain in the distance in enshrouded
The Hunter’s Vault above the shroud. Image Credit: Will Butterworth

There are several ways to get to the Low Meadows, but if you’re in the starting base area, then you might find this path helpful.

First, fast travel to the top of the Springlands Spire.

Then use your glider to glide down to the east, toward the Hunter’s Vault.

The goal is to reach the Hunter’s Vault.

Make your way to the top of the Hunter’s Vault next.

Your location indicator should be telling you that the Low Meadows Spire is further east of the Hunter’s Vault.

Below you is all Shroud.

Take your glider again and glide down as straight toward the Spire as you can from the Hunter’s Vault.

You should aim for the very edge of the Shroud if you have the basic glider.

Look for a bunch of dead trees and a small, stone, bridge for your landmarks.

There should be a road that you land on, if not close to.

Take the road out of the Shroud, and it will lead you right to the base of the Spire.

1. The Ground Floor of the Low Meadows Spire

A glowing book next to some animal skins and potions in enshrouded
Some lore! Image Credit: Will Butterworth

The Ground Floor has a few items sitting on benches, so don’t be afraid to take a quick look around.

More importantly, in one of the wings, you’ll find a book of lore sitting on the floor.

It’s next to some other useful resources, too, so take what you need.

When you’re ready to proceed up the tower, head to the glowing red platform and interact with it.

2. First Floor of the Low Meadows Spire

A button amongst a floor of spikes in enshrouded
A button to push. Image Credit: Will Butterworth

The first floor is pretty straightforward as far as challenges go.

The next platform you need is on the other side of a locked door.

You need to push two buttons to open the door.

Both buttons are in the same room.

You’ll know you’re there when you see spikes sprouting from the floor.

Jump or run through them to push each button.

There’s also a chest sitting on the balcony.

With both buttons pushed, you can interact with the next platform and make your way up to the second level.

3. Second Floor of the Low Meadows Spire

A glowing button on a wall in enshrouded
Another button to push. Image Credit: Will Butterworth

There are two doors you must pass on the second floor to get to the glowing platform this time.

The first button you encounter is right around the corner from where you are.

Beware though.

As soon as you push this button, the spikes will start.

Proceed with caution back where you were, and you’ll notice a door is now open.

Go through the door and interact with the button you find here.

There’s also a regular chest on a balcony and a gold chest hidden on this level, so keep your eyes peeled.

Once you press the second button, you’ll be able to access the glowing platform and make your way to the last level of the tower.

4. Third Floor of the Low Meadows Spire

Standing in a room filled with spike traps with a glowing door in the distance in enshrouded
A spiked-filled room. Image Credit: Will Butterworth

The final floor before you reach the top has several puzzles in it.

Most of this room will have you making your way through obstacles to get to the final glowing platform.

There’s also one button you need to push on your way to get the door open to the platform.

A button on the wall with an archer hitting it with an arrow in enshrouded
Puzzle one on the third floor. Image Credit: Will Butterworth

One of the first extra puzzles you’ll encounter is a button on the floor.

Step on the button, and the doors in front of you will open, revealing a silver chest.

If you step off the button, the doors will close.

Stay on the button and use a bow to hit the button that’s inside the room.

The doors will stay open, and you can move forward to grab the contents of the silver chest.

A grid wire on the wall leading to two open spaces in enshrouded
Puzzle to turn off the spikes. Image Credit: Will Butterworth

To get to the glowing platform, you’ll need to press the button.

Press “E” when you’re standing over the spiked room to swing to a chain wall on the wall.

Climb to the right and up.

You’ll find the button there.

Besides opening the door, it will also turn off the spikes below.

You can descend safely and take the platform to the top of the tower.

5. Top of the Low Meadows Spire

A cauldron of fire in enshrouded
The Flame speaking about the Low Meadows. Image Credit: Will Butterworth

When you reach the top of the Spire, you’ll unlock it for fast travel.

Make sure you commune with the flame to receive some information about the Low Meadows area.

Otherwise, enjoy your new fast travel spot!

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