Lifmunk may look cute and harmless, but it can pack a punch when used in battle.

It’s also extremely skilled at work, and you might find that it takes care of most of your needs as a beginner.

In this survival guide, we’ll go over everything you need to know about Lifmunk in Palworld.

The Quick Stats

Take a quick look at some highlights for Lifmunk in Palworld.

Strong Against:Ground Types
Weak Against:Fire Types
Paldeck No.4

What Are Lifmunk’s Work Skills

Lifmunk chopping trees with an axe in palworld
Lifmunk chopping wood. Image Credit: Will Butterworth

Lifmunk has a ton of work skills, making it one of the best starter Pals in Palworld.

Its work skills include:

  • Planting: Level 1
  • Handiwork: Level 1
  • Lumbering: Level 1
  • Medicine Production: Level 1
  • Gathering: Level 1

While it only has a level 1 in each work skill, Lifmunk can take care of a lot of your early-game needs all on its own.

What Does Lifmunk Drop

Paldeck entry for lifmunk in palworld
Lifmunk’s Paldeck

When you defeat or capture a Lifmunk, it can possibly drop two items.

The first is berry seeds, which you can use to make your own berry plantation.

The second is low-grade medical supplies, which is helpful for curing certain conditions that your hard-working Pals might develop.

Since Lifmunks are relatively easy to take down, you can easily farm them to grind up a bunch of low-grade medical supplies.

What Is Lifmunk’s Partner Skill

Lifmunk holding a submachine gun in palworld
Lifmunk with its submachine gun. Image Credit: Will Butterworth

Lifmunk has an incredible Partner Skill called Lifmunk Recoil.

You need to make its submachine gun to unlock the skill, but once you do, Lifmunk becomes a power house.

When you perform the skill, Lifmunk will jump on top of your head and use its submachine gun to shoot any enemy that you’re attacking, too.

Its submachine attack does incredible damage, especially for beginner players.

That makes Lifmunk a great Pal to have around for bosses as well as for base defense.

What Is Lifmunk Best Used For

lifmunk strolling in the grass in palworld
Lifmunk relaxing after some work. Image Credit: Will Butterworth

Lifmunk is an incredible starter Pal because of its work skills and Partner Skill.

It can take care of a lot of the early jobs you have in your base.

It’s also able to defend it will with its Partner Skill.

When out in the field, Lifmunk is a great Pal to take down bosses or defend you.

As such, you can’t really go wrong with Lifmunk.

I like to use it for taking out outposts or defending the base from a raid.

How To Breed Lifmunk

Two Pals in the breeding pen in palworld
Pals making a Lifmunk. Image Credit: Will Butterworth

There are tons of different combinations to make a Lifmunk in Palworld.

Some of the combinations include:

  • Mau + Jolthog
  • Mau + Foxsparks
  • Mau + Depresso
  • Mau + Hoocrates
  • Mau Cryst + Lifmunk
  • Mau Cryst + Hangyu
  • Mau Cryst + Hangyu Cryst
  • Lifmunk + Lifmunk
  • Lifmunk + Vixy
  • Teafant + Jolthog
  • Teafant + Depresso

Where Does Lifmunk Spawn

Map showing the spawn locations for Lifmunk in palworld
Lifmunk’s spawn locations. Image Credit: Will Butterworth

Lifmunk tends to spawn in a few areas around the Desolate Church.

I tend to find it most often in the Marsh Island region.

Fast Travel to the Fort Ruins Waypoint there, and you can typically find tons of pairs of Lifmunks walking around.

You’ll be able to capture lots of them in no time.

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