As far as Muznakan chests go, this one is one of the toughest.

With a staggering 12 Telchar carvings to find, you’ll need to search far and wide.

In this survival guide, we’ll show you how to unlock Telchar’s Muznakan Chest in Return to Moria.

Where To Find Telchar’s Carvings in Return to Moria

Telchar carving sitting behind a bench in return to moria
One of Telchar’s carvings. Image Credit: Will Butterworth

There’s no question that finding 12 of Telchar’s carvings can be a task.

To help you out, you’ll want to start looking once you reach the Desolation area.

You’ll see a number of broken houses and businesses.

These are the areas you’ll want to search.

Be sure to search high and low because some Telchar carvings may spawn on a broken beam high up.

For example, I found my last carving in a brewery high above a brew tank.

Now, if you’re sure you’ve combed through the Desolation area, start digging through tunnels.

There’s a chance that you might find more abandoned buildings.

These buildings can hold Telchar carvings, too.

So, it’s not just in the first room where you meet the dragon that you need to search.

It may take some time, but those carvings are out there.

Where To Find Telchar’s Muznakan Chest in Return to Moria

When you’re ready to find Telchar’s Muznakan chest, this can also spawn almost anywhere in the Desolation region.

Some have found it near the Gundabad Orc Stronghold.

Others have found it near the white bridge.

As for myself, I had to dig through the tunnels until I found it one of the hallways.

So if you don’t see it in the city anywhere, start digging through the tunnels.

It’s likely deeper in the Desolation region.

What’s Inside Telchar’s Muznakan Chest in Return to Moria

Reward notification for Telchar's Muznakan chest in return to moria
Rewards inside Telchar’s Muznakan Chest. Image Credit: Will Butterworth

You’ll find two rewards waiting for you inside Telchar’s Muznakan chest.

Keep in mind you’ll need at least 12 carvings to open it.

The first is a blueprint for the Dimrill Shield.

The second is the blueprint for the Dimrill Helmet.

Both are great against Shadow damage, and you’ll want that for what awaits you later in the mines.

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