Durin’s forge allows you to create new items, but there’s a problem.

A huge troll known as the Troll King is standing in your way.

In this survival guide, we’ll show you how to defeat the Troll King and repair the Great Forge of Durin in Return to Moria.

How To Defeat the Troll King in Return to Moria

A large troll sitting on a wooden throne in return to moria
The troll king. Image Credit: Will Butterworth

The Troll King is a special type of troll that doesn’t become stone when encountering sunlight.

He’s waiting for you in Durin’s forge, and you won’t be able to repair it until he’s defeated.

The Troll King delivers shadow damage, so one of the necessary items you’ll need to have is the Dawnbreak Pale Ale.

We have a guide on the Dawnbreak Pale Ale here if you don’t have the recipe yet.

Besides having the ale active, you’ll want to have Tier IV armor and weapons.

I suggest the Belegost armor with the First Age Crossbow.

Use Khazad bolts to deliver 50-75 damage per hit.

The Troll King can hit right through shields and shatter armor in just a few hits, so going against him melee versus melee is very difficult.

The easiest way to defeat him is to use a crossbow with the bolts and duck behind a pillar.

He has a hard time getting around the pillar on the left side of the room, where you’ll find some of the replacement parts for the forge.

Hit him in the head to get bonus damage and avoid his charge attacks and boulder throws.

Once you take him down, several rewards will drop including Durin’s crown.

You’ll be able to make Durin statues once you pick the crown up.

How To Repair Durin’s Forge in Return to Moria

A missing gear in the great forge of durin in return to moria
Repairing the Great Forge of Durin. Image Credit: Will Butterworth

Much like the other Great Forges, you’ll need to find the missing parts to repair it.

It has three missing parts, but the good news is that you don’t need to make.

They’re in the area already.

Just search the room for each part and replace as needed.

Once you repair the forge, three new recipes will unlock.

They include:

  • Salt Bath
  • Durin’s Guard Helmet
  • Durinul Iron Ingot

With the forge repaired and the Troll King defeated, you can now progress your way through Moria.

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